NAME: agata

gsm: +32468164356


My name is Agata and I would like to bring you into the world OF PIERCING AND TATTOO REMOVAL!

i'm specialist in body modification and tattoo removal and i will explain you here everything you need to know about tattoo removal, what to expect and a proper aftercare! 

since there's a lot of tattoo artists nowadays, people have less patience to wait for a good one and they often go for the cheapest ones and that's when mistakes are made. In order to cover up old or bad tattoos, best solution would be to remove it slightly so that there's no chance it will come out again after some time. That way you can completely enjoy in your new tattoo!!

i'm also happy to be a part of blue magic pins team and together we make a nice and joyful atmosphere so feel free to visit us to get any extra info you need!


you will find all the other important info on my official page Skin&SINS and you can follow my work and latest updates and discounts on my facebook page skin&sins !



1. Set your expectations


Before we start the process, it's important to realize that no tattoo removal is guaranteed. Tell me about your expectations. The big question is: would you like do a Cover up, or be left with a ghost image or partial tattoo?


2. One treatment isn't going to do it.


You probably realize this by now, but multiple treatments will be required. Unfortunately, the number of sessions isn't something that can be predetermined during your consultation. Be cautious of your technician giving you a standard 2-5 sessions for cover up and 6 to 12 treatment to entire tattoo. That number could be much higher.


Downtime between treatments is a key factor. Applying a laser treatment again too soon can increase the risk of side effects like skin irritation and open wounds. The average time between sessions is 6 weeks. In some cases, eight weeks is the recommended minimum time to wait between treatments. It can be even longer for patients experiencing textual changes and other side effects.


3. Location of your tattoo.


In most cases, location does matter. Fading is generally slower for tattoos located further down the arms or legs as they are further from the heart. The closer the tattoo is to the heart the better circulation, therefore better results.


4. Professional vs. amateur tattoos.


The success of removal depends largely on the tattoo itself. The colors used and how deep the ink is embedded are two major considerations. Professional tattoos penetrate deeper into the skin at uniform levels, which can make it easier to treat. However, professional tattoos are also more saturated with ink, which is a significant challenge. Amateur tattoos are often applied with an uneven hand, which can make the removal challenging, but overall they are easier to remove.


5. What to expect after a treatment? Potential side effects.


Side effects are to be an expected part of the tattoo removal process for most patients. In fact, some side effects are an important part of the immune response that helps eliminate ink from the skin.

 There are a handful of symptoms you might see post-treatment, including blisters, swelling, raising of the tattoo, pinpoint bleeding, redness, and temporary darkening. These are common and usually subside within a couple weeks.

 Redness, tenderness, and swelling typically subside within a day or two following treatment. Blisters usually appear within 24 hours of treatment; sometimes the blisters are very large and may look alarming – this is completely normal. Scabs, bruising, and blistering may take up to a week or longer to heal.

The most common side effect is a darkening or lightening of the skin, known as either hyper-pigmentation or hypo-pigmentation. This usually corrects itself in 6 to 12 months after treatment. Scars are also a potential risk ( if you are susceptible to scarring, is highly unusual) as well as infection, burns.


6.Does tattoo removal hurt?


Laser tattoo removal typically does involve some level of pain. That said, many say that it hurts less than they expected.


It's a common belief that tattoo removal is excruciating, yet most patients say that the sensation of removal is comparable to having a tattoo applied. Common descriptions include the sensation of a rubber band snapping against the skin or bacon grease.


If you're afraid of the pain, one hour before appoiNtment you can apply at home ointment against the pain

for example Emla.


7. Contraindications to removal are:

Pregnancy or feeding


heart problems


blood coagulation disorders

tanned skin

Skin changes in the tattoo area

Taking painkillers, antipyretic, vitamin E, A, aspirin (one week before surgery)

use of antidepressants and other drugs containing light sensitizing components

use of light sensitizing substances (marigold, beta carotene)


8. How much does laser tattoo removal cost?


For most customers, pricing is a factor in their decision.


prices begins from 40€ for one session. The price for the treatment is affected by: size, number of ink colors used, if is it professional or amateur tattoo, difficulty in removing.

Medical laser PRO-MEDIS Q-switch Nd: Yag to remove tattoos...



I work on Q-switch Pro-Medis neodymium-yagi laser.

 This is the latest generation of Q-switched Nd: Yag laser certified medical device that affects the safety and effectiveness of the treatments performed.

Nd-Yag Laser Q-Switch PRO MEDIS - This is now the safest method of removing tattoos and permanent make-up that gives a very good result without leaving scars and skin lesions. 

The PRO MEDIS Q-Switch Nd-Yag Laser cumulates energy in ultrafast pulse, resulting in the dye particles breaking apart without over-heating the tissue. 

Thanks to unique parameters the treatments are very effective and they have small side effects, the only effect of postoperative discoloration are usually resolved spontaneously.